sábado, junio 29, 2013

El Buzo asalta Google Play

El misterioso aventurero conocido como el Buzo, un personaje creado por Adolfo Rodríguez y Ángel Bernuy, expande sus horizontes dando el salto a la tienda de aplicaciones para móviles de Google. No esperéis ni un momento más y descargad su aplicación desde Google Play. Difundid la buena nueva, que todo el mundo conozca al Buzo y cuente sus hazañas.
¡Por Isis!

miércoles, junio 26, 2013

Living in Japan: Z-Machines

Desde Japón llega este singular grupo de música compuesto por robots, un prometedor paso hacia el futuro prometido por la ciencia ficción.

¡Por Isis!

lunes, junio 24, 2013

La Superluna

En 1979, el prestigioso astrólogo Richard Nolle acuño el término Superluna ( Supermoon) para esos mágicos momentos en los que coincide una luna nueva o llena con la posición más próxima de la Luna a la Tierra. Este fenómeno se asocia a terremotos, erupciones volcánicas y otros eventos similares. La más reciente se produjo ayer, así que estad atentos pues la Academia, en su habitual afán por ocultar la Verdad, harán todo lo que esté en sus garras para que no descubramos las consecuencias de esta Superluna. No descarto que hayan empleado su poder para algún propósito nefario. Otra posibilidad es que la nueva amenaza la haya usado para sus planes, no menos malignos porque su identidad nos sea desconocida.

La definición original:

"...a new or full moon which occurs with the Moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit (perigee). In short, Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line, with Moon in its nearest approach to Earth."

¡Por Isis!

domingo, junio 23, 2013

Masuimi Max: Iamtrouble, Iamdollparts y ahora...Iamsin

Masuimi Max, musa y superheroína

Rutilante musa de esta bitácora del pensamiento heterodoxo y fiel aliada de la tecnomaga Gwen Marsters, Masuimi Max ha ampliado recientemente su ya de por si notoria presencia en Internet, abriendo una tienda de maquillaje, IamSin. Desde este humilde diario de lo imposible, queremos apoyar esta nueva aventura profesional y desearle nuevos y merecidos éxitos. A continuación una lista de sus páginas webs, empezando por la oficial, un sitio de visita obligada para los lectores fieles de Planeta Inquietante.

Completo esta entrada con uno de los videotutoriales de IamSin, uno de los atractivos de su nueva página web.

¡Por Isis!

viernes, junio 21, 2013

Smoke and mirrors Part V

Sarah Devlin felt as a character from the movies she worked in as she entered in the Hotel with the detective Faraday. At first she didn't understand what she had to do, she looked as herself but she had to talk and behave as someone very different. The book was practically a guide, a how to. It was a gamble, a risky one, but it was also the best way to save her sister. Guests and workers were doing the usual stuff in the hallway. The manager smiled and greeted everyone, including them. They knew it was a trap and they were ready. While he made symbols with his hands, she said the Old Words. The Agent fell upon them and took everyone somewhere... inside the mirrors.

The smoke filled the place. They hardly could see each other. They could hear the other scream. One voice sounded more angry than afraid. The manager asked the agent to return him to the safety of his hotel. The agent ignored him and faced the detective and the actress. It moved the swords and spoke in the same old and powerful language. The Order wanted both of them. The agent was about to attack them when a bullet hit its head. A clear and precise shot. When Walter and Sarah looked back, they saw Barbara standing under a white light with a modified gun. The manager freaked out and ran away. He couldn't understand how she had managed to escape. However, her sister and the detective could. A thriller writer could figure out how to outsmart a criminal like that creepy man. They were glad to see her and wanted to hug her but they had to deal with the agent first.

As they had planned and with the unexpected help from the no longer missing writer, they joined their minds and fought the creature at several levels simultaneously. The guests and workers followed the manager in his crazy and directionless attempt to get as far away as possible. It was hard and painful but as soon as the agent realised that the cost of victory was too high and it may damage the connection with the Hyperion Hotel and even the building itself, gave up and vanished. Once they made sure it was safe, they could make their way back, bringing with them those who hadn't gotten themselves lost in the weird dimension. Barbara couldn't stop talking about how this adventure would shape her new book while her sister and Faraday had other kind of thoughts in mind, there was chemistry between them and they wanted to see where it could lead them. With a smile and the satisfaction of a work well done, they left the hotel without looking back.

The End?

miércoles, junio 19, 2013

Refrescando la memoria al Señor Steiner

Tras su viaje a México, Patrick Von Steiner ha anunciado que se aproxima una nueva amenaza y basándose en lo que vieron sus compañeros de aventuras y él mismos en una holograma han empezado a especular sobre su identidad. Dado que el único rasgo que pudieron reconocer fueron seis guadañas, en su post más reciente, propone a la criatura que tomó el liderazgo de la Operación Kraken para desestimarla, dándola por muerta y proponiendo un clon como opción más verosímil. Clásico del suizo. Un clon. Si bien es cierto que mi fiel mano derecha confeccionó un precioso cenicero con sus manos, es rotundamente falso que conservemos su cabeza como trofeo. Cualquiera que lea el relato de mi duelo con la Muerte, podrá comprobar que enviamos esa parte del cuerpo, aún con vida, de vuelta a la capital del decadente Imperio Gris como señal y aviso para que se mantuvieran alejados. De hecho, así tiene más sentido la hipótesis lanzada por el investigador de lo desconocido. La Muerte, también conocido como Átropos, podría estar preparando su regreso con un nuevo cuerpo. Es una posibilidad a tener en cuenta, a la que merece dedicarle la atención necesaria. Corregido su despiste, espero que encarrile sus pesquisas de forma productiva y no se pierda en sus habituales vericuetos mentales. Por nuestra parte, Los Hijos del Nuevo Mundo estaremos preparados para defender la Utopía de mi Maestro, el Gran Sir Edward Holst.

¡Por el Nuevo Mundo!, Ellen Blackmoon

martes, junio 18, 2013

Antología pulp Action Tales

Comparto con vosotros el anuncio de la inminente publicación de una antología que creo que será de vuestro interés.

Muchos conoceréis Action Tales, pero para aquellos que no lo conozcan, Action Tales es la mejor web de fan fictions de España. En esta web han colaborado cientos de escritores noveles de forma totalmente desinteresada, con el único afán de contar historias.

En 2013 Action Tales cumple 10 años y para celebrar este evento, Dlorean Ediciones se complace en presentar una antología única, coordinada por Miguel Ángel Naharro, webmaster de Action Tales, que reúne a escritores de la talla del propio Miguel Ángel Naharro (La Maldición de la Diosa Araña), Tony Jiménez (Cinco Tumbas sin Lápida), Alexis Brito (Soldado de Fortuna), Joaquín Sanjuán (Leyendas de Lacenor: La ciudad Blanca) y Luis Guallar (El Puente del Diablo) y a habituales de AT, como Jerónimo Thompson, Roberto Cruz, Raúl Montesdeoca, etc… para obsequiaros con dieciocho relatos pulp repletos de aventuras y acción.

Pero eso no es todo. Además de los dieciocho relatos, el libro tendrá también dieciocho ilustraciones, de autores tan geniales como José Baixauli, Néstor Allende, Calavera Diablo, Santiago Ramos, etc…

Y todo ello rematado con una fantástica portada de José Baixauli.

La lista completa de los relatos es esta:

  1. CORRE escrito por Roberto Cruz/ ilustración de Roberto Cruz
  2. DIE GLOCKE escrito por Néstor Allende/ ilustración de Néstor Allende
  3. ¡Y EL FUEGO TRAERÁ LA VERDAD! escrito por Iván Landa/ ilustración de Olga Masiá
  4. LA CASA DE LAS BELLAS DURMIENTES escrito por Ana Morán Infiesta/ Ilustración de José Ángel Ares aka Pater.
  5. PISTOLEROS DEL INFORTUNIO escrito por Guillermo Moreno/*ilustración de Jacobo Gonzalez.
  6. LA SANGRE DEL TIEMPO escrito por Carlos J. Eguren/ Ilustración de Calavera Diablo
  7. VENGANZA escrito por Pako Domínguez/ ilustración de Pako Domínguez
  8. LA SOMBRA INTERIOR escrito por Miguel Ángel Naharro/ ilustración de José Baixauli
  9. PANTERA escrito por Raúl Montesdeoca/ ilustración de José Baixauli
  10. LA OSCURIDAD QUE DEVORA escrito por Tony Jimenez /Ilustración de Jose Baixauli
  11. LA MARCA DE CAÍN escrito por Luis Guallar/ ilustración de José Baixauli
  12. EL TESORO DE LA SELVA escrito por Joaquín "Kyo" Sanjuan /ilustración de José Manuel Triguero
  13. LO QUE SUBYACE escrito por Jerónimo Thompson / ilustración de Juan Andrés Campos
  14. LADY DOMINUS escrito por Adolfo Rodríguez / ilustración de Juanma Cañada Aguilera
  15. MECÁNICOS CENOZOICOS escrito por David Ruiz del Portal/ ilustración Alfonso Pinedo
  16. EL EXTRAÑO CASO DEL DESTRIPADOR MALDITO escrito por Gloria Fonz/ ilustración de Moisés López
  17. EL JUICIO DE DIOS escrito por Alexis Brito Delgado/ Ilustración Jaime Martinez/ Santiago Ramos
  18. LA RESURRECCIÓN DE LOS TZIN escrito por Gabriel Romero/ ilustración de Entiman

¡Por Isis!

lunes, junio 17, 2013

¿Guadañas = Muerte?

Las guadañas son de momento el único rasgo identificable de la nueva amenaza, son un símbolo que se ha asociado tradicionalmente a la Parca y esa imagen tenebrosa me ha recordado la pérfida Operación Kraken. Entonces tuvimos que luchar contra un enemigo que actuaba bajo el nombre de Muerte y en el pasado era conocido como Átropos, la muerte inevitable. Veo más probable el regreso de los Grises con algún nuevo plan para sojuzgarnos, que el de la Muerte, a la que dimos un merecido fin. Si no recuerdo mal, conservamos su cabeza como trofeo y Arya Darkstorm confeccionó un curioso cenicero con sus manos. Una opción sería un clon, educado para superar a su antecesor y poder heredar su nombre. En este punto, carecemos de pruebas sólidas. Las guadañas que entrevimos en el holograma podrían ser literales o una metáfora. Seguiremos indagando y repasando a los sospechosos habituales. ¿Quién creéis que esta tras esta amenazas? ¿La Academia?, ¿los Grises?, ¿los reptilianos de Nibiru?...

¡Por Isis!

viernes, junio 14, 2013

Smoke and mirrors Part IV

The room was red and dark, only some candles provided enough clarity to see the people gathered. The manager of the Hyperion Hotel felt very proud of himself. As he had predicted, the actress had come looking for her missing sister. When he laid eyes upon her, he knew his plan was right, she was the perfect image for the doppelganger. As beautiful and classy as only a Hollywood star could be, although he thought her talent was wasted in stupid B or Z movies. He only had to guide her to a room and prepare the invocation ritual. And it had worked...until that man got away with her. And for that reason he had been summoned. He had dealt with the writer and others before her. He felt pretty confident. His partners, however, didn't share his optimism. With their faces partially hidden under red and golden hoods, asked for explanations and told him that an agent would take care of her. He could keep the writer as his pet, but the actress was theirs. He was not in position to discuss, so he accepted. They left with the doppelganger, who started to get used to our dimension.

Sarah Devlin was more nervous than when she had found her sister was missing, her experience at the Hotel had pushed her to the limits. What was that thing? It didn't that the detective had been busy since they arrived at his apartment reading old books and checking a complex machine made of metal and stone, which purpose eluded her. Had her sister been attacked by a similar creature? Were they supplanting real people with those things? As he closed a thick book with bronze covers, he said. "The Order of Zadhon, we have faced them before." "We?" She replied. "I am not the lonely detective of a pulp novel, I have allies and friends. This Order has deals with creatures from other dimensions. Sometimes they give them sacrifices, not necessarily human or bring them here with invocation rituals as the one you witnessed. Them they set them free to enjoy our world. We must go back and stop them." "How are we supposed to that? I for one feel completely out of my field" "You underestimate yourself, I have weapons here but they are not enough, to break their magic, their game of smoke and mirrors, I need you. You know how to play a different person, and that's exactly what you are gonna do." As he finished, he handed her a surprisingly light book about a kind of alien goddess. It felt soft and cold. Weird, like not made on Earth. "It's not in English but you will understand it anyway, think of it as a universal language."

It looked like a new statue but the manager and the employees knew better. It was not the first time it was there, when things got risky for their business, the Order sent it and got things straight. It was very big, had four arms and horse-like legs. Its face was covered under a helmet and in every hand there was a sword. The skin looked and felt like stone but looking with enough attention, you could tell it was alive. It was at a strategic place, waiting for the enemies of the Order. They had got away but it was sure they would come back. Their kind always did it, expecting to defeat its masters, failing and dying at its hands. Mirrors were placed too, the manager knew his job, after all he had been using those mirrors for a long time and had mastered them. They were real magic, as its preys were going to find soon.

To be continued in...Part V

miércoles, junio 12, 2013

El Arca de las Historietas nº5

Ya podéis adquirir el número 5 del Arca de las Historietas en su página web y próximamente en librerías especializadas. Las turbias maniobras de la Academia han retrasado su salida, mas no la han impedido. Este espacio de libertad creativa sigue consolidándose como un baluarte del cómic en España,donde este tipo de iniciativas son muy necesarias. Difundid la noticia, ¡el número 5 del Arca ya está a la venta!

¡Por Isis!

lunes, junio 10, 2013

Los orbes se activan

Nuestro trabajo concienzudo ha tenido recompensa, los orbes han "cobrado vida". Primero han levitado, luego han formado una serie de figuras geométricas tridimensionales y han empezado a girar, transformando las figuras a un ritmo increíble. No tardamos en descubrir el objetivo de este sorprendente frenesí, pues un holograma ocupó buena parte de la excavación y vimos un mensaje enviada desde el pasado, en el que se nos alerta de varias amenazas a la especie humana, algunas ya las hemos superado pero otras son aún desconocidas. Especialmente una, una criatura envuelta en sombras con seis brazos que terminan en guadañas. El holograma se centró en ella y parecía que era su cercanía lo que lo había activado. Creo que dentro del software distribuido almacenado en los orbes, hay un sistema de alerta de amenazas, que no había sido consultado en mucho tiempo, y que sin duda fue clave en el abandono de la ciudad. Con este hallazgo doy por finalizada la investigación de campo de los orbes. Ahora debo volver a mi hogar en Suiza para desentrañar la identidad de la nueva y ominosa amenaza.

¡Por Isis!

domingo, junio 09, 2013

III Feria del Cómic del Provencio

Póster oficial, obra de José Manuel Triguero

Por tercer año consecutivo El Provencio alojará la Feria de Cómic en la que promete ser su edición más ambiciosa hasta la fecha. Podéis estar al tanto de los autores invitados y las exposiciones en su blog. Es un evento imprescindible para todo lector de este blog, ya que el sello TS COMIX ocupará un lugar central y una de sus novedades será una aventura de cierta antropóloga pop.

¡Por Isis!

sábado, junio 08, 2013

Smoke and mirrors Part III

The noise was not human and sounded like something from the movies she starred in. She picked her gun, a small and reliable weapon she always carried with her. As she entered the bathroom, she saw the origin of the noise, it was a being made of liquid, shining and twisting inside the bath. She had no idea of what to do. As she kept pointing her gun at the creature, it started to change its shape and texture very fast. No more than a minute later, Sarah Devlin was looking at a exact replica of herself. She was totally freaked out. Deciding that shooting that thing or questioning it would be pointless, she ran away but she couldn't get very far as the door of her room was blocked. She screamed as she could hear her copy approaching. A voice from outside told her to step aside. She did and next thing the door was down and a the detective was inside her room.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She pointed at the incoming inhuman copy and answered with another question, "what the hell is that thing?" He only had to take a brief look at Sarah and the creature to figure out it was serious business. "Problems, big problems. We must get out, now". Without looking back, they ran away. They didn't notice the manager as they got to the hotel's hall, but he did and smiled. As they got to the street, he gave orders to give proper attention to the new guest. His employees knew exactly what that meant. One of them went to the kitchen and picked red meat, while the other prepared a combination of fruit juice and whisky. The welcoming ritual had to be performed so the creature could establish itself as a viable living being.

When Sarah and the detective, whose name she ignored, stopped running, she noticed they were holding hands. It was a bit weird for her to trust a complete stranger, and the she realised she had seen his face before. It took her a while to figure out where. They were sitting in a bar and he was asking for some coffee, when she said: "You are that western writer, Walter Faraday, my sister introduced us at a party". He smiled. "I am a detective too and I think we are working in the same case." "What is going on in that hotel?" "Your sister is not the first person to go missing after renting a room there, but the first to be notices. They are usually people without family or friends in the area who come looking for an opportunity in Hollywood. Your sister suspected the Hotel was linked to a cult and wanted to write a book to expose the Truth. I tried to convince her to let me handle the investigation but you know her. And now she is missing." That information was more than what she had got from either the press or the manager. "Now we know for a fact that something is wrong there, the question is... what shall we do?" Faraday smiled. "Now we go to my apartment and prepare our return. I have a couple of ideas about the being from your room and what its purpose may be."

To be continued in...Part IV

miércoles, junio 05, 2013

Combatiendo el Silencio

Uno de los mayores retos que afrontamos desde la Resistencia es combatir la conspiración de silencio que ha ido tejiendo la pérfida Academia a lo largo de los siglos. Incluso ahora, con Internet a nuestra disposición, tenemos que seguir luchando para hacernos oír. La inabordable cantidad de páginas web y blogs hace que cada día sea una aventura destacar, y no pasar desapercibido en medio de una marea de información, que acaba por convertirse en ruido blanco. No faltan los ataques de los enemigos o el abandono de algunos aliados. ¿Qué fue de aquellos activos comentadores que dieron lustre y animaron las entradas de esta bitácora? A favor o en contra de las ideas aquí expuestas, creaban debates interesantes y que merecía la pena seguir. Tiburón canalla, Legionario Cántabro, Paladín de la Academia... desparecieron y no han regresado. Se les echa de menos, mas no podemos vivir de las añoranzas del pasado sino que debemos mirar hacia adelante. Es cierto, y reconozco aquí, yo, Patrick Von Steiner, que la audiencia de este diario ha caído en los últimos años, y me comprometo a hacer todo lo que esté en mi mano para revivir el interés y recuperar a los lectores perdidos. El objetivo seguirá siendo el mismo con el que empecé Planeta Inquietante, difundir la Verdad y lucha contra la censura de la Academia.
¡Por Isis!

sábado, junio 01, 2013

Smoke and mirrors Part II

As Sarah Devlin entered the Hyperion Hotel she felt the weight or her mission fall suddenly upon her shoulders. The hall was full of reproductions of the Greek Mythology and mirrors. She could see herself anywhere she looked at, surrounded by gods and titans. It was a strange and almost otherworldly sensation. Trying her best to stays focused, she approached the receptionist, a tall man with dark skin and bright blue eyes. He wore an impeccable white suit and gave short instructions to his co-workers to carry the luggage of the clients. When she asked for her key, he gave it but asked her to wait, as the manager wanted to talk with her. The theme of the conversation was obvious.

The manager looked like a magician in a business suit. Big beard, pointy hair and deep green eyes. He ordered to get her room ready and taker her suitcases, and led her to the restaurant to have a "friendly chat". She wanted to start her investigation and she was hungry, so she accepted. As the manager showed her to a table, she noticed a blonde man was looking at them while he apparently read a local newspaper. In her table there were only a coffee and an empty dish. His clothes blended with the other clients but didn't look expensive. A detective, she thought. The voice of the manager got her attention as he pronounced in a very weird way the name of her missing sister. He had no idea of what had happened. According to him, she left the Hotel after having lunch and didn't come back. When she asked him about her book, he said that she carried it everywhere with her. She was very secretive about it. He was used to deal with people like her, his Hotel respected their need for privacy and even offered them safe boxes. Did you open hers? Asked Sarah with a glint of hope. I was waiting for you, was his frankly unexpected answer. Maybe it will help you to find your sister.

The blonde man was much more than a simple detective, he had strange abilities he had mastered over the years with help from a mysterious red haired woman. he could feel the manager was lying and knew for a fact that Barbara Devlin hadn't left the Hotel, not by the main door. After a couple of minutes, he followed them. He was worried about Sarah. It was his third day there and there was something wrong there, very wrong.

The safe box was empty. For some reason, her sister hadn't used it. Back in her room, after thanking the manager for his help, she wondered about her next step but a strange noise coming from her bath got her attention.

To be continued in...Part III