viernes, septiembre 29, 2023

Nana Okada: Asymmetry

Terminamos el mes de septiembre con noticias jugosas del primer álbum en solitario de la magnífica artista Nana Okada. Habrá tres ediciones, cada una con una portada diferente, pero todas con un concepto común, la presencia de dos Nana Okada, reflejando su naturaleza dual. Os animo a ver el vídeo en enseña las tres ediciones y comenta su contenido. En esta bitácora nos hemos decantado por la tercera, el CD que incluye el tema extra.

Tema extra del que ahora sabemos el título al igual que el de los dos temas que también vienen en las otras dos ediciones y que podéis ver a continuación. Silent mermaid para nosotros es un título con la fuerza evocadora de los mitos más arcanos que nos hace sentir que hemos elegido bien. Qué ganas tenemos de que llegue a nuestras manos esta joya de la Cultura Pop, primer paso en solitario de lo que deseamos que sea una larga y exitosa carrera. Desde esta humilde bitácora haremos todo lo posible para que llegue a nuestra querida y admirada Nana Okada nuestro apoyo y os animamos a que hagáis lo mismo.

Podéis sumaros a la causa y apoyar a Nana Okada en los siguientes enlaces:

¡Por Isis!

lunes, septiembre 25, 2023

Back home

The inner circle of the Upstarts is missing. Since they were vanished by Augustus Severinus Píngolas in their new animal like forms, nobody has any clue about their whereabouts or their condition. The master of disguise has kept the secret, and insists that they need time to accept their new bodies. I must admit that I feel sad about them, specially for Rising Phoenix, who seemed more interested on earning my favor than ruling the world as the next bosses of the Academy. As for the rest, with the exception of the jealous Roaring Lion I barely know them.

Without their leaders, the Upstarts are going through a crisis, but the Academy has plenty of experience with that, so I wouldn't worry too much. However, I think we must keep an eye on them as much as search for their missing leaders. I think Augustus Severinus Píngolas went to far to prove that they weren't worthy of the Philosopher's Stone and may have created a huge threat for the world. Plus it's not like seeing six people turned into monsters, one of them a literal burning one doesn't leave a strong impression. The party ended but the aftermatch just begun.

You can follow me on my official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

viernes, septiembre 22, 2023

The Philosopher's Stone unleashed

Augustus Severinus Píngolas didn't lose a moment and started to fiddle with the Philosopher's Stone while the Upstars just looked, as they were too shocked to react. Their guests seemed excited and curious to see what the master of disguise would do. "It's about time you experiment True Alchemy" As he finished that sentence, waves of energy came from the Philosopher's Stone flooding the stage covering the Upstarts. The effects were almost inmediate. Every one of them started to change, adopting features from the creature of their names. It was wild. But something in the process didn't seem right and it wasn't just the unbearable pain they were going through. Even Píngolas was a bit surprised, or as we found out very soon, dissapointed.

While the proud next generation of the Academy lost their human look before our eyes, Augustus Severinus Píngolas showed the PHilosopher's Stone, pointing at cracks that weren't there mere moments ago. "This stone is flawed, as I should have expected from their creators. It works for simple tricks but when you try to do something meaningful with it, it breaks down, leaving only tragedy behind as you can see in our hosts transformation into beasts." The Upstarts now looked and felt like monsters in pain, ready to attack anyone to make it go away. Just before they could something, the master of disguise used one last time the crumbling stone and... they were gone. "Don't worry too much about them. They are as safe as they can be. Wether they retain their human mind or not is unkwnown to me, but they will have a second shot at life. I hope they make better choices this time. And with this, I am afraid it's time to say goodbye. The Party is over." It was bizarre and sudden, but everybody just went along with this abrupt end and left the place. After a while, it was just Píngolas, me and some allies whose identity will remain a secret for now.

You can follow me on my official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

jueves, septiembre 21, 2023

Enters Augustus Severinus Píngolas

Even under such the well crafted disguise you can see in the picture, everybody knew the person who had just entered the stage bringing the Upstarts's show to an abrupt halt was the legendary man of mystery Augustus Severinus Píngolas. He took control of the party from the hosts in an instant, as they looked petrified, like deer under the light of an incoming truck. He joked that all they were doing with the Philosopher's Stone were merely kid's tricks. The whole turning lead into gold stuff was just a very superficial application of its vast powers. Though it is probably the one everyone knows. Even making animals bigger was nothing more than a shortcut to the traditional selection of the bigger individuals to breed even bigger ones. By the way, that's how modern cows came to be. He feld dissapointed on the Upstarts and told them they had done nothing to deserve their rather presumptuous name of choice, The High Table of Wisdom.

To the horror of the hosts, the guests were delighted with the master of disguise. He said that he had left them to try their best to make a Philosopher's Stone but after making it, they didn't seem to have the slightest clue of how to make a proper use of it. Acting as he was the only adult on the stage, he took the Philosopher's Stone amid the Upstarts protests, who sounded more like raucous children than menacing academics. He made them shut up with a mere gesture and explained that the True Purpose of the Philosopher's Stone is to change oneself, it's to dig inside until our real core emerges, free of impurities. That has been the goal of Alchemy since its beginning, and as our hosts were unable of even grasping the idea, he would give them a firm hand to point them in the right direction. And that's when things went full crazy.

You can follow me on my official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

miércoles, septiembre 20, 2023

The Philosopher's Stone

From my seat at the main table I had a privileged point of view for the show. Not bad for an alleged minor guest according to the male teen in a man's body Roaring Lion. An opinion that didn't seem to be shared by any of his mates, especially Rising Phoenix, who didn't stop looking at me not for even a second. Four soldiers of the Academy dressed as knights entered the room with a big golden egg, a bit like the thing in the picture. The six main members of the Upstarts met them at the stage and received the egg. Its content was obvious for everyone.

After giving a speech every one of them, they proceeded to open the egg. Rising Phoenix was more emotional than the rest and said something about touching other people's hearts that added to the way that she was looking at me made it look more like a romantic declaration than whatever it was supposed to be. Anyway, inside the egg there was a bright red diamond shaped jewel, The Philosopher's Stone. The result of their experiments in the Earth's center. What followed was like a magic show mixed with a business pitch. We saw some trinkets made of lead turned into gold and a lights and smoke show where some humble and small animals got an "upgrade", becoming mostly bigger and with more bright colors. But then, when our hosts were enjoying their presentation far more than the guests, someone joined them in the stage. The same someone we found when we arrived to the place were Agartha was no more. Augustus Severinus Píngolas. I knew that there were friends at this private party since the moment I got in the yatch that was taking me to the island, but I had no idea that this enigmatic man would be at the party, neither did the hosts who looked at him in disbelief with a smidge of terror. All I could think is that everyone's plan was about to get off the rails.

You can follow me on my official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

martes, septiembre 19, 2023

In the Island

Roaring Lion sure has a temper. It's so incredibly easy to provoke him. He is like a teenager on steroids eager to show the World that he is worth of his name. I am pretty sure he is very jealous of all the attention that Rising Phoenix is devoting to me. He can keep saying that I am minor guest in their precious private party and that they didn't have in mind at all when they chose the place to celebrate it, but guess who was waiting for me when I made it to their secret exclusive island that doesn't appear in most maps. Rising Phoenix. Looking radiant in a black and red dress with a generous cleavage and a not less generous cut that showed her long legs. Before I could say a word, she had already hugged me and kissed me. Without missing a beat, she took me inside the big palace where the event would take place holding steady my right hand. She was excited, no doubt. But it seemed quite reasonable to question the motive of her mood. The Philosopher's Stone

I thought that they way she was holding my hand was exagerated until we got inside the building and were met with a multitude of guests and waiters trying to lead them to their seats. Without her to help me navigate the place, I'd have felt lost. Not only that, but I could meet some of the most importante guests in our way to main table, where the other five members of the inner circle of the Upstarts gathered. Roaring Lion greeted me as harshly as I expected to the amusement of his pals. Rising Phoenix who seemed to be in a state of bliss pointed at a stage in the center of the room and proclaimed loud that very soon we would see the Philosopher's Stone in all its glory.

You can follow me on my official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

lunes, septiembre 18, 2023

Waiting for you

Really, Alice? Maybe my esteemed partner of the High Table of Wisdom Rising Phoenix has an absurd level of interest or even obsession on your persona but I can assure you that we didn't choose the locations for our Party based on your nation. Greece is one of the main births of Western Civilization. I hope you haven't forogotten it during your adventures with that Swiss petty criminal. It makes all the sense that we would pick your country to make a fabulous demonstration of our Philosopher's Stone.

We weren't on the yatch that brings you to the island for a simple reason. There are more in the way. There are more guests, who are far more important than you, and we, the inner circle of the High Table of Wisdom must be here, in the island, making sure that everything is ready for their arrival. This event will be a glorious page in the History of the Academy. A tale for the ages. A true tale, unlike the usual drivel that readers have to endure here.

As I am feeling generous, I will introduce you to the select members of the inner circle of the High Table of Wisdom, the next generation of the Academy:

  • Rising Phoenix
  • Roaring Lion
  • Reigning Eagle
  • Rattling Snake
  • Ravaging Bear
  • Raiding Shark

The Academy will prevail!

domingo, septiembre 17, 2023

The Party Begins

The very private and exclusive party hosted by the group of academics we know as The Upstarts has begun. Every guest, including myself, got a place and a time. Mine was right in my own city. I was picked up by a fancy car and taken to a yatch, where I met other guests. Then it's when I finally found that the party would start at an island and then continue in a luxury ship that would take us along the Greek coast. The island and the ship are owned both by the Academy. I don't think it's coincidence that they have chosen my country for their special event. I am pretty sure they had plenty of places to choose, even some with deep connections with the history of Alchemy and the search of the Philosopher's Stone, the alleged main focus of the party.

As we make our way to the island, an army of waiters offer us food and drinks. Among them, I have already seen friendly faces that, as I had suspected, have made their way into this very private event without needing an invitation. Who I haven't seen thus far is any of the hosts. I assume they are waiting for us at the island. I am as ready as anyone can be and looking forward to meet the rest of the Upstarts. I wonder what colorful nicknames they have. Are all of them animal based?

You can follow me on my official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

viernes, septiembre 15, 2023

Extraterrestres en la Cámara de Diputados de México

La Verdad se abre paso. Si en el Congreso de los EEUU fueron testigos de testimonios que afirmaban bajo juramente que su gobierno tiene cuerpos de alienígenas y naves espaciales, ahora vamos un paso más allá. El prestigioso ufólogo y periodisa Jaime Maussan ha mostrado dos momias alienígenas en la Cámara de Diputados de México declarando lo siguiente "Son dos seres que fueron recuperados en Perú en una mina de diatomea, cuerpos desecados encontrados entre las ciudades de Palpa y Benasque en 2017 que han sido investigados profundamente tanto por investigadores, periodistas y científicos" No os cogerá por sorpresa precisamente que estos cuerpos fueran hallados cerca de las famosas líneas de Nazca, un lugar clave en las teorías de los Astronautas Antiguos. Llegados a este punto, los que niegan la presencias de seres de otros planetas en al Tierra sólo pueden ser ignorantes o lacayos a sueldo de la corrupta y decadente Academia. La Verdad ya no es que está ahí fuera, sino literalmente ante nuestras narices.

¡Por Isis!

lunes, septiembre 11, 2023

¿Terremoto lunar?

El hito histórico de la India de alunizar una nave continúa. El módulo de aterrizaje Vikram de la misión Chandrayaan-3 está analizando el suelo de polo sur de nuestro satélite natural y ya ha detectado los siguientes elementos: azufre, aluminio, calcio, hierro, cromo, titanio, manganeso, silicio y oxígeno. Todo esto es de vital importancia pues el polo sur es el lugar escogido por las grandes potencias para establecer la primera base humana oficial en la Luna. Pero eso no es todo lo que han encontrado, ni lo más interesante.

El Vikram ha registrado un evento en principio de origen natural, que podría ser un terremoto lunar. A diferencia de nuestro planeta, no se debería al movimiento de las placas tectónicas. La explicación oficial apunta a la atracción que ejerce la Tierra sobre nuestro satélite, pero en esta bitácora sabemos de primera mano que en la Luna hay mucha más actividad que la oficialmente reconocida, por lo que esos "terremotos" podrían tener un origen más cercano al satélite y mucho más lejano de las tesis oficiales.

¡Por Isis!

sábado, septiembre 09, 2023

Un orbe dorado inquietante

Como no nos cansamos de repetir en esta bitácora, nuestro planeta contiene no pocas sorpresas que ponen en solfa a la anquilosada ciencia oficial, como por ejemplo este anigmático orbe dorado orgánico encontrado en el mar de Alaska.

Su textura es similar a la piel, pero carece anatomía reconocible, por lo que la teoría de sus descubridores apunta a que podría ser el huevo de un especie desconocida hasta la fecha. El agujero añade un enigma, ¿se hizo al intentar entrar o acceder a su interior o todo lo contrario, al salir la criatura que albergaba? No es de extrañar que les pareciera digno del comienzo de una película. Afortunadamente no fueron lacayos de la corrupta y decadente Academia los que hicieron este descubrimiento, pues además de que no se habría hecho público, ahora estaría guardado en algún ignoto almacén, custodiado por una de sus gárgolas. Irónicamente, unas criaturas menos siniestras que sus superiores.

¡Por Isis!

jueves, septiembre 07, 2023

El meteorito Erg Chec, un desafío a la Academia

Unos cristales verdes de 4.500 millones de años encontrados en el desierto del Sáhara, al sur de Argelia, han puesto en solfa las tesis oficiales del origen del sistema solar. Os animo a leer el artículo, aunque se queda en una maraña de datos técnicos y no va más allá de apuntar que la teoría actual, sostenida y aprobada por nuestros enemigos, podría ser errada. Los cristales sin lugar a dudas os evocarán a cierto personaje capital de la Cultura Pop.

Es evidente que la ciencia oficial mantiene como verdades oficiales teorías cogidas con pinzas, cuyo principal fin es frenar la investigación genuina que podría desvelar no sólo el papel de la Humanidad en el Cosmos sino también nuestro destino. Evidentemente, los Amos de la Academia no quieren que vayamos a las estrellas. Nos quieren encerrados en la Tierra, atados por teorías carentes de la chispa creativa y de la imaginación precisas para que alcancemos nuestro verdadero potencial.

¡Por Isis!

martes, septiembre 05, 2023

Getting ready for the Party

As my dear friend, the challenger of the unknown Patrick Von Steiner pointed out, Summer is not yet over and we have a big party to attend. Officially I am the only invited, but I am pretty sure that won't stop my allies from being right at the center of action. Not when we have actual Goddesses on our side and advanced alien technology. I can't say the date but it will be soon. It will be at a remote and private location, only known to members of the corrupt and decadent Academy, as we expected given than the hosts are their next generation.

As you can see, I am trying outfits for this exclusive party. I don't want to disappoint Rising Phoenix. I think this picture will add an extra dose of fuel to her imagination and make her pal Roaring Lion even more jealous. I wonder if they will be able to keep their focus on the so called Philosoher's Stone or if they will let their hearts take the lead. I will be ready for both options. You can expect an account of my experience here, possibly interjected by interventions of our animal themed horny enemies.

You can follow me on my official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

domingo, septiembre 03, 2023

¿Son las nuevas IAs una burbuja?

Igual que el día sigue a la noche, cada avance tecnológico parece seguir el mismo ciclo. Al entusiasmo inicial le sigue la desilusión que da paso finalmente a una postura más moderada, en la que se reconocen tanto sus aspectos positivos como sus limitaciones. Las nuevas Inteligencias Artificiales basadas en modelos probabilísticos no podían escapara a ese ciclo. Pero eso no es lo que preocupa a los mercados, sino si estamos ante una burbuja, no diferente a la ya histórica de las dot com. La dura realidad es que como usos y costumbre los inversores riegan con dinero empresas que parecen prometedoras sin entender o saber si tienen siquiera un modelo de negocio. Cuando, pasado el frenesí inicial, se les ocurre preguntar, ¿y cómo piensan ganar dinero con esto? es ahí cuando empiezan los problemas. En las IAs hemos llegado a ese punto.

A diferencia de los NFTs, la IAs generativas de texto o imágenes no sólo son sencillas de usar sino que también es evidente su utilidad. Escriba una somera descripción, escoja un estilo y ya está. Aquí tiene su imagen. Haga una oregunta y obtendrá una respuesta. Pida algo, un trabajo, una reseña, un programa y en un santiamén lo tendrá listo. El quid de la cuestión es la calidad del resultado. Ahí es donde se juega el futuro de las empresas que han apostado por las IAs generativas, más que en sus problemas con el copyright. Si pedimos una guerrera ninja practicando con una katana, y obtenemos manos deformes y algo que ni parece una katana flotando en el aire, no vamos a estar conformes. Si preguntamos cómo ir de la ciudad A a la ciudad B y se inventa conexiones directas por tren y bus, nuestro enfado será más que lógico cuando descubramos que es mentira. ¿De qué sirve una herramienta que en teoría nos debería facilitar la vida cuando nos proporciona información errónea? Pues de poco o nada. El gran riesgo que podría convertir a estas IAs en una inmensa burbuja es que carezcan de aplicaciones prácticas a un nivel profesional, quedando como un juguete con el que pasar el rato. La imagen que ilustra este blog fue generada a partir del texto "a beautiful blue skinned woman with four arms holding swords." ¿Os parece que la IA ha hecho un buen trabajo? Si fuera obra de un artista, diríamos que ha ignorado al cliente y le ha colado algo que tenía por ahí. Pues con la IA no deberíamos ser menos críticos.

¡Por Isis!