martes, septiembre 24, 2024

Stalemate in Mykonos

Stalemate. That words sums up nicely the situation in Mykonos since my last post. All the major players are here with their homunculus, which are linked and syncing, all the time. Every side is trying to control the process to no avail. They are convinced the final goal is to create a hive mind and they see it like the key to their wishes. Rising Phoenix and her partners are focused on using it to make their sworn enemig, the enigmatica Augustus Severinus Píngolas, suffer for all eternity. They are thinking of punishments like the one that Prometheus suffered. They love to share with me their plans while we enjoy the nightlife of Mykonos.

The biggest incognit is Urkruk Alfa. Nobody knows what he is planning. He wanders around Mykonos apparently aimless, visting ruins, checking the rocks that are believed to be the corpses of giantes and doing a lot of staring in complete silence. We don't know of the other other mutants are here with him. We don't know even if his presence is related to what is going on with the homunculus, but everybody who is someone in this drama is sure it is and they are trying their best to get him on their side. Without luck until now. I have seen the Upstarts offering him gifts and all kinds of pleasure, but the psychic mutant seems to be in his own world. I will keep you posted. For now , there is no trace of kaijus here, but things can change in the bat of an eye.

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May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

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