jueves, febrero 13, 2025


The abomination created by the fallen Sir Edward Holst is as twisted as the original killer she was based on. Not a single truth can be found in her writing about her alleged altercations with the honorable Academy. The reason why she hasn't face my dear comrad in arms Ravaging Bear is because she has yet to set foot in one of our fine stablishments.

What she calls secret bases of the most honorable Academy were actually the kind of hideous dumps where her pal Jurgen loves to spend his time and the money that the Children of the New World handle to him for his "services". The soldiers she talks about are the lowest scum, vulgar criminals who have no connection whatsaever with the Academy. At most, some may have been employed at the most humble jobs: janitors, cleaning service,.. Nothing of importance. I don't doubt she and the game addicted homunculus have been going around busting heads but the part about gathering intel on our operations or the part about our glorious organization luring people pretending to be member of ther deranged sect are just lies, fantasies that only make sense in her fanatic mind. But don't worry, pathetic losers who still read this despicable blog,sooner than later we will face for real, and then she will learn some hard truths.

Rattling Snake

The Academy will prevail!

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